EverQuest II Interview, Part Three

The folks at GamerGod have published the final installment to their interview with EverQuest II community manager Ryan “Blackguard” Shwayder. Check it out:

Q: As a SOE employee, and one who has a public image to uphold, how much enthusiasm do you feel for such up-and-comings as Vanguard: Saga of Heroes? Do you tend to view such games as competition, or do you yearn like a lot of gamers out there for something fresh and new and innovating?

A: Our DC Comics online game has me really excited. I’m a big fan of comics especially from DC and I can’t wait to get my hands on it. We also have some other things we’re working on internally that I can’t mention, but there are three things in particular that I’m extremely excited for (wish I could say something about it).

The one and only announced “thing” that we’re working on here at SOE that has me incredibly excited is EverQuest II PvP. I’ve been working closely with the mechanics team to make sure we do Player-versus-Player combat in EQII the right way, and I’m really happy with the direction we’re taking it. I wish I could talk more about the specifics, but the general idea is that Norrath is a post-cataclysmic world with very polarized factions. We’re likely going to start off with just a couple PvP-ruleset servers that feature good vs. evil PvP, combat cross the entire face of the world, factions, valuable items and titles that can be gained from participating in PvP, and (we hope) experience rewards for taking out other players. But wait, there’s more! And I can’t tell you about it yet, but it’s got me pumped.

Other than that, the next online game I can really see myself getting excited for is a PvP only MMOG. One that has PvP built into the heart of the game just as much as PvE is. I’m big into the player competition thing, so if I see any announced projects that seem like they’re handling PvP the right way, I’ll probably go on another fanboi kick.

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