EverQuest II Hunts Newbies

Wired.com has published an article entitled “EverQuest II Hunts Newbies”, in which they discuss the user-friendliness of the MMORPG sequel. Here’s a taste:

It starts off by introducing newcomers to the game through a simple, effective tutorial. Beginning on a ship at sea, players must navigate the basics of interacting with non-player characters, killing rats, looting corpses, searching for treasure, and buying and selling booty.

When building a character, players must choose between certain races, such as Halflings, barbarians, elves and the like. The game, like its predecessor, is vastly open-ended, and players who progress beyond the earliest levels will experience countless scenarios. But the direction they take is determined by whether they choose to be good or evil. If they’re good, they graduate from the ship to the city of Queynos. Freeport is for the evil.

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