EverQuest II Frogloks and Griffins Revealed

Sony has revealed EverQuest II’s Froglok race and Griffin mounts, providing screenshots and background information about each. Here’s a snip about the newly announced feathered transport:

Griffins have long roamed the plains of Norrath, swooping out of the sky to attack unwary adventurers. It was discovered that young griffins could be tamed and taught to provide a very valuable service. Trained griffins carry travelers from one tower to another across regions of the Shattered Lands. Towers have been built in Antonica to allow travel between Qeynos and the Thundering Steppes, while three towers in the Commonlands provide passage from Freeport to Nektulos Forest. For the right price, adventurers receive an aerial tour that takes them swooping through narrow canyons or soaring high above the seas.

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