EverQuest II Beta Account Giveaway

Warcry has announced a new contest called “Crazy Go Nuts Beta Giveaway” in which they will be giving away thirty EverQuest II beta accounts over the next few weeks. The contest does require some creativity on the entrant’s part, as explained in the rules:

Crazy Go Nuts Beta Giveaway will be split up into the following categories-

Captions – This fun category will run the first week. This event is pretty simple, we will provide screen shots from our Caption Screenshots section and you simply have to provide a truly hilarious caption! You can edit these pictures as well making them funny and EQ2 related.

Grand Prize : Two beta accounts (one for you and a friend). 8 other people will be selected and be awarded a beta account based on how hard you can make us laugh. (10 beta accounts, awarded at the end of event.)

Poetry – This category will run the second week and is less intimidating than it sounds. We aren’t looking for the next Don Poetrino (okay I made that up), it can be entertaining and simple. Your poem can be dramatic, sad, happy, funny, anything you want! You can do it in any format- limerick, haiku, whatever. The poems will be judged on how well they move us into an emotion. (10 beta accounts, awarded at end of event)

Grand Prize : Two beta accounts (one for you and a friend). 8 other people will be selected and be awarded a beta account based on how well your poem relates to EverQuest 2 (also how well it moves us into an emotion). (10 beta accounts, awarded at the end of event.)

Comic – This is probably the most exciting category and will be the last week! Simply submit an EverQuest II themed comic. Feel free to use anything from MS Paint to Photoshop. Remember, comics are funny. You are also allowed to do flash cartoons. (10 beta accounts, awarded at end of event)

Grand Prize : Two beta accounts (one for you and a friend). 8 other people will be selected and be awarded a beta account based on how hard you can make us laugh. (10 beta accounts, awarded at the end of event.

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