EverQuest II Adventure Packs Coming Soon

GameSpot is reporting that Sony has plans to provide “Adventure Packs” for EverQuest II that may require subscribers to dig a little deeper into their pockets. Here’s the gist of how the packs will work:

The first part of the adventure pack will come as a free download. All of the game’s subscribers will be able to sink their swords into a new zone, fight new enemies, and so on. There will also be some new quests in this area for all players. Some of these quests will flesh out the lore behind the game’s dark elf race and at least partially explain what has transpired in the 500 years that lie between the original EverQuest and EverQuest II. If players want to continue down this story path, they will have to pay what’s been described as a “small fee” to download the rest of the adventure pack’s content and continue on. Players that choose not to participate will still be allowed to adventure in this new zone and experience at least some of the new content. If the idea’s a hit, SOE will likely follow with more adventure packs in the same vein.

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