Everquest Haze of Denial

Does this newsbit ever bring back memories…. Pangs of envy still well up when I think of some of these items that I missed out on like the jboots (going to bed early when it turned out Drelza would have dropped them for me 1 and a half hours later) and the fishbone earring…. and thank the lord almighty! I was a junkie and I don’t play the game anymore. When you know more lore about EQ than your own family, that’s when it’s time to stop… when EQ -is- your family. But you don’t want to hear that! No, no, no, why you’re still hopelessly hooked! =) For those of you, though, that know it and know it’s time but may not have an idea how, keep reading.

But first, for all of us, a duo of EQ junkies at Gamespy came up with the Top 10 Most Famous EQ Items. Feel like punishing yourself for not selling all of your items separately, instead selling your character for a lot less? It even has the current eBay rates and EQ platinum averages as well.

Switching gears, most of you probably by now know of the unfortunate “suicide” Everquest incident of the past week. If not, a 19 year-old girl had reportedly killed herself after Verant fired her from her guide position on one of the servers. Gamers.com wrote a summary and article about the event, an incredible aspect being that people actually accepted that a girl could do this over a game, me included.

The biggest contribution of the article comes at the end. If you’re in Everquest more than you care to be or know your should, just want to talk with others like you or don’t quite know how to start breaking the habit, you’re not alone and there is help:

Secias is starting an check it out.

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