EverQuest: Empires of Kunark and EverQuest II: Kunark Ascending Launched

I hope you’ve prepared yourself for the 23rd EverQuest expansion and the 13th EverQuest II expansion, as Daybreak Game Company launched both Empires of Kunark and Kunark Ascending earlier today. To help accompany a rush of nostalgia, they’ve also put together a launch trailer for the latter, so I’ll embed that below:

And here are the official descriptions for each:


After decades of slumber, Imperator Tsaph Katta awakens and vows to reform the Combine Empire – the progenitors of much of the human race – by any means necessary. He will lead them into a renewed age of prosperity. With the former glorious capital of his nation, Katta Castrum, rebuilt in the treacherous lands of Kunark and renamed after his daughter Lcea, Tsaph Katta focuses on rebuilding the coalition between the races of Norrath. He vows to cement his place in the annals of history as The Great Unifier, but not all are ready to bend to the will of Katta and his allies, least of all the current inhabitants of Kunark. If Tsaph Katta is to unify the world, he will need to begin with the dangerous Sarnak of Chardok, drawing their attentions away from a newfound power. Will a unified Norrath prevail or will the Combine’s arrival lead to a war of catastrophic proportions?

Make haste and return to the ruins of Kunark and choose your side in the coming turmoil.

Empires of Kunark is the 23rd EverQuest expansion. This expansion features new zones and dungeons, and must-have in-game items.

• 7 Expansion Zones – Explore familiar and unfamiliar areas and learn what has changed since your last adventures in Kunark.
• Familiar Key Ring – Access to your familiars in one easy location! Store up to 10 familiars per character, with the ability to buy additional slots to handle all of your familiar storage.
• New Quests, Missions, and 8 Additional Raids
• New Collections – For those who love to find and seek, there will be 24 new Collections to complete.


Norrath remains in danger from Lanys T’Vyl and her pursuit of power! It is up to you to keep Lanys T’Vyl from acquiring the third and final Chaos Stone. Return to Kunark to stop Lanys from ushering in a new age of power for Norrath’s pantheon. Adventure through previously unexplored lands as you attempt to protect the last Chaos Stone from Lanys’ evil clutches.

It will take great courage to stand against the coming darkness. When the Tenets of Hate ascend, will you stand against them? Kunark Ascending is the 13th EverQuest II expansion and brings new and exciting adventures to Norrath.

Journey to Obulus Frontier in North Kunark where you’ll explore the ruins of Kaesora, fight through the Crypt of Dalnir in Warslik Woods, traverse the City of Mist, and adventure through more areas both familiar and undiscovered!

• All new dungeons for Solo, Heroic, and Raid parties alike.
• 4 new Ascension classes available to all max level characters!
• Upgrade your epic weapon with all new Epic 2.0 Quests.
• New Wardrobe Tab – Free up space with the new Wardrobe tab. Any relevant items placed into the Wardrobe will be converted into appearances and won’t take up any inventory slots!
• Gear Up Your Mercenaries – With the new mercenary equipment feature you can now equip your favorite Mercenaries with gear to increase their power. With Kunark Ascending, you will also be granted the Mercenary Feature.

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