EverQuest: Depths of Darkhollow Preview

IGN PC has put together a two-page preview of EverQuest: Depths of Darkhollow, after spending some firsthand time with the MMORPG’s tenth expansion pack. Check it out:

There’s another use for the technology that changes players into monsters, and that’s monster missions. This may prove the most fun use for spirit shrouds, and that’s role reversal. You get to play a monster in the game, fighting off an attack of player characters. There are 20 missions, half of them set in the old world of Antonica, where you and your group play monsters fighting off invaders.

The one that’s sure to be a hit is the Lord Nagafen mission. One member of your group gets to play Naggy, the old red dragon from EverQuest’s earliest days, and the other five play the giants who guard him. After a few minutes to get set up, you hear shouts of the approaching raid, and it’s up to you to fight off the attackers. Talk about role reversal. You get to chew up warriors, breathe fire on clerics and send casters running with the Dragon Roar fear spell.

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