EverQuest 6th Anniversary Event Announced

Sony’s official EverQuest website has been updated with an announcement that there will be an in-game “scavenger hunt” event to celebrate the game’s sixth anniversary on March 16th. Check it out:

March 16, 2005 marks the sixth anniversary for one of the most popular and successful games to hit North America, EverQuest. In commemoration of the anniversary a Scavenger Hunt will take place and the Fabled NPCs return with a plethora of cool loot and items.

With the popularity of last year’s Scavenger Hunt we wanted to once again send Norrathians out into the wilds of Norrath on challenging quests and epic adventures. Be sure to log in and check out the hunt over the course of the next few weeks. Cool rewards and items are guaranteed for those few brave souls up to the task.

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