European Warhammer Online Publishing Confusion

Rock, Paper, Shotgun is reporting on the confusing publishing shenanigans involving WAR, including confusion about the pricing and a promise of open beta access that is being reneged on.

Perhaps this statement means something to GOA, but I’m entirely bemused. How in the shiny kingdoms of the Earth does people’s pre-ordering a game they want to play, on the promise of open beta access, form an inappropriate model for open beta key distribution? How can multiple languages possibly factor into this? Oh, and through what did he say? The EA Store? The one that’s selling the game with the promise of open beta access? This more (focused approach) remains a mystery. But more than anything, and oh my goodness how is this allowed to happen, the game is being sold for pre-order based on a promise GOA are openly stating they will not meet.

We have, of course, approached GOA to try and get answers to this question. With a bank holiday on Monday, we’re not expecting to hear back before Tuesday. (Although we’ve still not heard back about why they publically announced that the prices they told us had not come from them).

But the madness doesn’t end there. Because as we speak, the US are in the midst of a free Warhammer Online Preview Weekend. This is the denouement to the closed beta, a 100,000 player invite-only session to test the full-on RvR full scale battles. The invites were sent to closed beta players, people who had pre-ordered the Collector’s Edition, and to 50,000 Standard Edition pre-orderers. What an excellent fun time! When’s the European one?!

Answer: the European one is not happening.

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