Eschalon: Book II v1.02 Patch Released

Basilisk Games has already released a v1.02 update for Eschalon: Book II, which improves the game’s registration process while also addressing a number of bugs, spelling/grammar issues, and more. The full notes:

– The Registration process has been modified to improve the accuracy of verifying codes.
– Fixed a “Divide By Zero” error when you get your HP or MP to regenerate at “1 point every 0 rounds.”
– Fixed an “Exception Access Violation” when some creatures neared the edge of the map.
– Last thrown object no longer results in injury if you are unskilled in Unarmed Combat.
– Soul Piercer arrow gives proper damage bonus against ethereal creatures.
– Casting Sunder Flesh no longer crashes game.
– Spell Protection From Curses works properly.
– Spells Mass Boil and Supernova now display proper damage ranges in description.
– Encumbrance stats are properly updated after casting Draw Water.
– Sleeping in bed properly updates weather sounds.
– Combat music properly ends when leveling up, then restarts after exiting editor.
– Recipe window now displays all recipes properly.
– True Healer challenge modified so to not fail during certain events.
– Fixed an issue involving the Masterful Riposte feat and Haste being used together.
– Spell Trapkill works properly on all floor traps.
– Corrected a stat issue that caused some flying creatures to ignore open spaces over chasms and such.
– Fixed a number of grammar and spelling errors.
– Fixed several minor map errors.
– Cleaned up a few graphic anomalies on tiles & sprites.

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