Equipment Update

Today I’ve entered more Midgard armor from our equipment pages into the Armor Database and have created our new Weapons Database as well. The weapons database includes all of the vendor-bought items that our old one had, as well as a hefty amount of new Stonehenge Barrows weapons (including instruments). I will start keying in the weapons from our equipment pages as well, once I have the armor done.

One thing worthy of note is that when I initially entered all of the vendor-bought weapons (and some of the earlier magic ones), Mythic was not using “DPS”, they were using “Damage”. For those weapons, all the DPS scores will be wrong. I’m trying to find out what formula they use to calculate DPS from the Damage and Speed scores, so if anyone knows please email me. With the formula, I could recalculate the correct DPS in very little time, instead of having to write down every vendor-bought weapon’s DPS again =.

New/Updated Albion Weapons: 27 items

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