Equipment Update

Before I type out tonight’s update, I’d like to address something. Several people have emailed me stating that their strategy guide for Throne of Bhaal says something contrary to certain things that I’ve been posting. For example, some have claimed that the components I posted for forging the Club of Detonation +5 are wrong or that such-and-such item has a different location (according to their guide).

Now, let me just say that every ounce of information I’ve posted has been from playing the expansion myself. I’ve rechecked the steps to creating some of the items, and my copy of Throne of Bhaal creates them as I’ve posted. Since strategy guides are created in advance, the people writing them play a pre-release version of the game and things can change once the game is released.

This is in no way saying that the strategy guide is false or incomplete, I’m only saying that our information is based upon the final release of the game. And to whom it may concern, I’ve seen what kind of information is in both the SoA and ToB guides and I can honestly say they are some of the finest written game guides I’ve ever seen. By far.

So for future reference, if information we post here deviates from a strategy guide you purchased, please give it a test run yourself before telling us we’ve posted something wrong. And if we are wrong, we’ll be more than happy to correct ourselves =).

Having said that, here’s another equipment update before I call it a night…

Updated Pages: Containers (includes an additional location for the Gem Bag and Potion Case), Crossbows (includes Firetooth +4), Girdles (includes Girdle of Fire Giant Strength), Maces (includes Storm Star +3), Rings (includes the Holy Symbol of Helm, Holy Symbol of Lathander, and Holy Symbol of Talos), Short Swords (includes the Short Sword of Mask +4), Two Handed Swords (includes Psion’s Blade +5), Wands (includes Wand of Cursing)

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