Equipment Renovation

I received a whole bunch of item locations from one of our devoted viewers, so I took the time tonight to go through the Icewind Dale equipment list and renovate it a bit. Lots of new items have been added (from both the original IWD and HoW), as well as a slew of locations. Additionally, after having many requests to do so, I have put each item’s item code next to its name. This will aid in tracking down items using the console commands, among other things. Enjoy.

Updated Pages: Equipment (includes lots of locations and renovations), Amulets (includes Amulet of Metaspell Influence and Necklace of Missiles), Boots (includes Boots of Grounding and Quiet Boots), Bows (includes Long Bow of Action +2, Long Bow of Marksmanship, Long Bow +2: Protector, and Repeating Light Crossbow), Cloaks (includes Cloak of Non-Detection), Daggers (includes Mage Dagger +2 and Mage Dagger +3), Gauntlets (includes Gauntlets of Ogre Power and Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise), Long Swords (includes Long Sword of Action +2), Rings (includes Ring of Protection +1 and Ring of the Protector +2), Short Swords (includes Short Sword +1), Warhammers (includes Sanctified War Hammer +2)

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