Equipment Mystery News

Before posting any updates today, here’s another question I sent to Nathan Plewes, along with his response, about certain items (such as Foebane) not dropping where they were intended:

    Buck: …a series of tests were run on the Foebane drop and it was discovered that the amount of experience characters had *before* entering Watcher’s Keep determined the number of statues you’d have to fight before reaching level two, thus if didn’t have a certain amount of experience, the statue with Foebane would not spawn. Is this how it was intended to be or is this part of the same issue you talked about yesterday?

    Nathan: No, the statue with Foebane was not supposed to be taken out in the low level version of the fight. That statue will not be taken out once it’s patched.

So, if you haven’t visited Watcher’s Keep yet, your best bet is to make sure you have higher level characters to ensure you obtain all possible items. Hopefully the patch comes out soon.

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