Encased Update #47 – Backer Reward Voter Results

The latest Kickstarter update for Dark Crystal Games’ post-apocalyptic RPG Encased picks up where the previous one left off. It invites the game’s backers to choose a unique relic that will go on to become an extra backer reward once the game launches. Here are the options:

As you already know, we launched a series of votes for a unique and exclusive item created by the Kickstarter community of Encased. Today we are summing up results of the first stage and moving to the next!

In the first vote, you had to choose the type of the item: weapon, armor or relic. We were very surprised by the results of the voting, the confident victory goes to Relic of the Forefathers. Congratulations to all who prefer to take on adventure mysterious artifacts and unthinkable technology that gives an advantage over the enemy.

Now, let’s move on to the second stage. The type of item has already been selected. What’s next? Attributes and features!

In the second stage you will have to read three detailed descriptions of relics and choose only one.

Relic #1

While using it, Character receives +15% Cold Resistance. Starting from the second combat round, Relic begins to emit cold discharges that damages both the user and all the characters within one tile of him.

“Same goes for the space near it – due to that, Relic is a rare occurrence, but an easy find. As soon as it contacts air it begins to emit rhythmic “pulses”, each pulse absorbing heat from everything in near vicinity. Despite this process, the temperature of relic itself remains unchanged and there’s no clear indication as to where all that disappearing energy goes. Pulses occur without any noises or flashes and the crystallization of air humidity is the sole indication of the danger it poses – an unprepared human will be frozen to death in just a couple of pulses. Few people are brave enough to use it in the combat conditions – in some way, relic does recognize its bearer and tries to shield him a bit, but only a little. You have to be extremely cool-headed to risk that much.”

Relic #2

This relic will influence all organic combatants, making them lose 20% Accuracy.

“In happier times Relic was used as a part of a hazing ritual for White Wing newcomers. The setup of that was deceptively mundane – the victim was led to a lab where this relic was contained under a closed casing. Then they were left alone while being asked to fill a standardized form with some ordinary observations and other routine stuff, the case being opened upon their exit. Half an hour past that, the hazers returned to find all the forms spoiled, criss-crossed with unrecognizable scribble, and the totally panicked victim running in circles, being unable to find the door out. Relic disrupts one’s perception of surrounding reality and it directly affects the processes inside the brain itself – videotaping and similar ways of recording do not fixate anything wrong near it. People, however, will perceive everything as being “correct” while that “everything” is actually dreadfully wrong. Even the most basic tasks might become impossible while under its influence, so the only way to study this relic is while using remotely-controlled devices. Relic is especially adept at masking itself, and so it’s completely futile to understand anything about it in person. All the accompanying fun was eventually banned, though – for one newbie, thirty minutes was more than enough to become stark-raving mad and to greet a chuckling returnee with an unbelievably pinpoint pen to the eye. But that’s a different story.”

Relic #3

If a user will suffer a critical hit (and a critical hit only), he won’t take any damage and will be healed for 50% of its attack power.

“At the inception of Dome’s exploration, there was this pristine assuredness that here it is, the ultimate triumph of science and reason. Who would’ve guessed that its course will birth superstitions so dire that even a troglodyte would feel ashamed of following them. If we were to believe certain scouts, this relic will unfailingly ward you from death, oh, more than that, it’ll greatly improve your health in the process! And who cares if the those scouts’ leader later became a drunken, insane, self-mutilating wreck, crying that he’s “displaced” into a “wrong” Reality. And his “improved health” is a supposedly regrown long gone eye(!) that he never actually lost – we went into all the documents, all the archives, asked all the witnesses, and there were no signs of him ever being injured. Here I’m tempted to comment on the utter ineptitude of Cronus’ recruiters, but that topic is getting stale lately. Despite the absurdity of such claims, some so-called “scientists” have wasted a lot of time and resources on experimentation, with sole predictable result of murdering droves of lab animals in various creative ways. Not a single one was saved by this miraculous Relic. That was still not enough for the head of that project – that professor decided to personally bathe in this relic’s succor. Thankfully, he used a laser weapon to make a very precise hole in his cranium and, with the heat cauterizing the wound rather instantly, the following clean-up of his office was effortless. Quite a professional attitude. And yet, after all that, Relic is still a highly demanded black market commodity with plenty of fools willing to bury themselves in debt so they can “prevent” the actual burial. O tempora, o mores!”

You will find a link to the vote, just like the last time, in personal messages on Kickstarter, as well as in the letter that should already be in your mailbox. It is only available to backers with CRONUS Corporal – All Digital (€21) and above status.

If you missed the first stage, do not worry, you can still start from the current stage.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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