Elemental: Fallen Enchantress Review

The folks at GameSpot are the latest to offer a critique of Stardock’s Elemental: Fallen Enchantress. They seem to mostly have good things to say about the game, and award it a decent 7.5/10.

Fallen Enchantress nicely wipes lingering memories of its predecessor from your mind. This is a much better game, a fresher and much-improved take on the same concepts of forging a kingdom and fighting epic battles like a warrior mage without design problems and bugs weighing everything down. With that said, Fallen Enchantress isn’t quite as accessible as it could be due to the initial learning curve and the dense nature of the fantasy world that you’ve been plopped into. That doesn’t take much away from what the game does very well, though, so even with these minor flaws you still lose yourself in building a magical empire.

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