Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Site Update

Bethesda’s official Elder Scrolls website has been updated with the developer diary from yesterday’s newsletter and three new screenshots from the game’s Xbox 360 version. An excerpt from the diary:

Now that you’ve heard a little bit about the gameplay and graphics improvements, I imagine some of you are wondering about the content creation side of things, specifically what in the magic system is editable? For starters, there are lots of options to tweak on the existing spell effects, such as the sounds, art, and special shader effects, along with the specific items and creatures that are used for the summoning spells. But we know that just tweaking our spells isn’t enough for you guys, so there is one brand new, very special magic effect that we hope will give modders a great deal of creative freedom. It’s called Script Effect, and using it in conjunction with the scripting system, modders will be able to expand the magic system and create spells that do things we at Bethesda haven’t even thought of yet.

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