Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Site Update

Bethesda’s official Elder Scrolls website has been updated with new information about Oblivion, including details about the game’s races and the first portion of a codex book entitled The Mysterium Xarxes. A snip about the Redguard:

The citizens of Skyrim are a tall and fair-haired people, aggressive and fearless in war, industrious and enterprising in trade and exploration. Skilled sailors, Nords can be found in seaports and settlements along all the coasts and rivers of Tamriel. Strong, stubborn, and hardy, Nords are famous for their resistance to cold, even magical frost. Violence is an accepted and comfortable aspect of Nord culture; Nords of all classes are skilled with a variety of weapon and armor styles, and they cheerfully face battle with an ecstatic ferocity that shocks and appalls their enemies.

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