Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Preview

The folks at Journal Sentinel Online have put together a preview of Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, after spending some firsthand time with Bethesda’s RPG. Check it out:

The game’s interface is well-organized, whether you’re managing all the items, looking through your spells or sorting through all of the quests you’ve uncovered. Tasks are cross-linked with the game’s map, so if you can’t remember where you were supposed to go, the game can help you out.

From the moment your adventure begins in the bowels of a prison, you feel like you’re being swept up in something big. But you have the freedom to go and do what you want, whether it’s raiding a tomb or bandit cave you’ve discovered, helping out the local townsfolk or working your way up the ladder in one of the social organizations in the game.

The big budget, cinematic feel to “Oblivion” comes at a price beyond the software. A game that looks and sounds this good has needs that will likely tax the typical computer system.

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