Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Preview

The guys at TeamXbox have posted a two-page preview of Bethesda’s Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, based on what we know about the highly anticipated RPG so far. An excerpt to follow:

A trademark of the series, expect the same (sandbox) style of gameplay to be present in Oblivion. The world is completely free-roaming, and can be viewed in either a first or third-person perspective. A particular feature that is sure to add to the overall scope of the game, and has been hinted at in previous Elder Scrolls titles, is the attributes of non-playable characters (NPCs). Smart NPCs have been present in the past, but nowhere near what Oblivion is set to offer. A new feature being implemented for these characters is something called Radiant AI. This is a system that gives real life characteristics to these normally idle characters. Instead of being set on a designated pattern that each model type would take, each character (and there are a ton) acts on his/her own. Each is programmed with a set of traits that will affect the tasks they go about, and how they interact with players if need be. This may seem simple, but with each character going on daily work tasks, eating, and sleeping, the immersion level is sure to be taken to a new level. Players can also expect specific remarks depending on their visual look, whether they are a hideous creature or a muscle-bound buffoon.

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