Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Developer Diary

Bethesda Softworks’ latest newsletter contains a developer diary detailing the contents of the regular and collector’s edition versions of Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. In fact, there are even links to a small portion of the “Making Of” video included in the collector’s edition:

The bonus DVD will include some extra features like concept art and renders and screenshots and so forth, but the real meat of it is the behind-the-scenes documentary on the making of Oblivion. This documentary was done by the very talented folks at thinkfilm (www.thinkfilm-inc.com), who are very well known and have done film work on a lot of very big TV shows and movies (West Wing, Armageddon, etc) as well as some great documentaries. They spent quite a while in our offices capturing the story of what people do and how they do it. The documentary uses our preparation for E3 last year, when we were preparing to show the game for the first time, as a story-telling device to show you all the different aspects of the game’s development. We’ve created a short trailer of the documentary that will hopefully whet your appetite to see the whole thing. Download the Quicktime Movie (33.8 MB MOV) or the Windows Media File (17.6 MB WMV).

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