Eberron D&D Campaign Setting Editorial

MMORPGDot has published an editorial that discusses Wizards of the Coast’s newest campaign setting, Eberron, which incidentally is the one being used for Turbine’s Dungeons & Dragons Online. A snip:

Having read through the Eberron setting, I will admit to being intrigued. The stated goal of the setting is to provide a more pulp-action feel than in the high fantasy settings Wizards has been supporting so far. Magic-Technology like the “Lightning Rail” and the addition of a game mechanic called “action points” will allow players to go farther and do more quicker than in a typical campaign. There was also a deliberate choice on the part of the game designers to make the standard setting more low-powered. As opposed to the likes of Oerth and Faerun, Eberron has a definate lack of high level NPCs. Many of the most powerful fighers, wizards, etc. perished in the “Last War”, that raged for over a century. In the wake of the war, many countries are run by characters in the low teens. PC classes (as opposed to the NPC classes like warrior and adept) are much rarer as well, making Player Characters truly stand out. I like the idea of this setting. It’s going to be an interesting backdrop against which to play a game, I think, and I’m planning on running a game in the setting sometime early next year.

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