Eador: Masters of the Broken World Patch 1.0.9 Released

Another week, and we’ve got another update for Eador: Masters of the Broken World. As our review of the game pointed out, the game has its share of issues with bugs, but gradually the developers are solving community-reported issues and hopefully you’ll be able to have an improved, bug-free experience in the near future.


  • Added Polish localization.
  • Optimization of AI’s turn calculation.
  • Added item sets.
  • Coefficient for transfer of karma and relations with other Masters is increased.
  • Added intro video for Russian and English versions of the game (Steam only temporally).
  • AI logic for hiring and removal of units has been reworked.
  • AI logic for buildings construction priority has been improved.


  • Game freeze caused by using the ‘˜Astral Gates’ ritual.
  • Game freeze caused by ordering a unit to shoot while his previous animation was still playing.
  • Game crash caused by bandits attack during province exploring.
  • Game freeze caused by an attempt to capture an already lost province with an allied race.
  • Game crash caused by an attempt to see detailed information about a unit.
  • Incorrect HP number for the barbarian units after their recruitment.
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Eric Schwarz
Eric Schwarz
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