EA Responds to Dragon Age II’s Disappearance From Steam

Puzzled just as much as everyone else was about Dragon Age II’s disappearance from Steam, IGN touched base with Electronic Arts in order to get some firsthand feedback about why the game was pulled from the digital distribution platform. Alas, the story is pretty much as we expected:

EA would not address the specific reasons for why Dragon Age II was removed, only saying it hopes to reach an agreement with Valve in the future.

“At EA, we offer our games and content to all major download services including GameStop, Amazon, Direct2Drive and Steam,” said David DeMartini, SVP of Global E-Commerce for EA in a statement given to IGN.

“Unfortunately, Steam has adopted a set of restrictive terms of service which limit how developers interact with customers to sell downloadable content. No other download service has adopted this practice. Consequently some of our games have been removed by Steam.

“We hope to work out an agreement to keep our games on Steam.”

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