Dungeons & Dragons Online Re-review

Eurogamer has returned to Stormreach for an updated review of Dungeons & Dragons Online following the introduction of its Eberron Unlimited free-to-play component. The closing two paragraphs that go along with their 8/10 score:

If you’re very much part of the casual RPG crowd you may want to play DDO Unlimited and pay (and play) piecemeal. In bite-sized chunks, DDO’s new model flourishes, with a few casual hours here and there and the occasional $5 investment into a content pack proving a fun diversion. If you have the time to invest – and we’re not talking 1999-era-EverQuest, but just a little more than WOW’s current demands – learning and questing in DDO is worthy of your attention and a subscription fee.

DDO is an easy taste to acquire, but an acquired taste nonetheless. Anyone looking for the sense of wonderment and exploration that your EverQuests and LOTROs provide will be disappointed. However, those who want their experience distilled to raw adventure itself will find a door-to-door dungeon crawl that satisfies if not elates, and continues to entertain far longer than many competitors, free-to-play or otherwise.

And if you’re looking for some new screenshots and a trailer from the game, MMOCrunch has you covered.

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