Dungeons & Dragons Online Preview

The guys at MMORPG.com have whipped up a two-page preview of Turbine’s Dungeons & Dragons Online: Stormreach, based on what they’ve seen of the game during the beta test. A little something about combat:

The combat system in this game is both extremely frustrating and at the same time fun and interesting. It’s far more twitch based than your average MMORPG, and for this, Turbine has taken some flack. Personally, I enjoy the different combat style; it keeps me from getting bored. The problem that I have with this mode of combat comes in the form of camera control. When I’m trying to run around in a combat situation, and I’m worrying about blocking and attacking and moving, the last thing that I want to deal with is not being able to see the thing that I am fighting because it is under my line of vision. For example, in the opening phases of the game, they have you fighting big spiders. I found that as soon as I moved, my camera angle went bad, and I couldn’t see my enemies. It made combat more challenging than I think was intended. The camera issue really is my only problem with this form of combat. Some purists of the genre aren’t going to like it, but overall, I think that it was a good choice for Turbine.

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