Dungeons & Dragons Online Monster Profile #16

Turbine’s official Dungeons & Dragons Online website has been updated with a sixteenth monster profile, this time detailing both Spiders and Scorpions. Once again, concept art of the creatures has been included, but you’ll need to be a member of the game’s forums to view the article. Here’s a bit about spiders:

Vermin species, even within the classification of monstrous arachnida, are diverse and populous despite all valiant human attempts to eradicate their presence. After decades of study, many scientists of biology and ecology would have you believe that this is a result of impressive breeding rates of vermin and years of what they call (adaptation to the environment.) Recently, some evidence has called into question this long-standing but unproven theory. For example, why are vermin so often found with and near many of the lesser races of humanoids? We’ve all seen such dirty and unkempt creatures covered in small vermin, and in the dungeons of Xen’drik, who knows what they do? The correlation between these lesser humanoid races (kobolds, hobgoblins, dwarves, elves, etc.) and the presence of infestation of bugs, spiders, and vermin should be further examined. Personally I believe that both theories deserve equal discussion within our schools and colleges.

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