Dungeons & Dragons Online Monster Profile #14

Turbine’s official Dungeons & Dragons Online website has been updated with a fourteenth monster profile, this time detailing the Minotaur. Once again, concept art of the creature is included, but you’ll need to be a member of the game’s forums to view the article. Here’s a taste:

Once the tormented slaves and beasts of burden of an ancient giant empire, today the minotaur of Xen’drik is a fearsome creature that stands a full foot or two over the typical inhabitant of Stormreach. These bullheaded shaggy humanoids aren’t all completely devoted to evil – some of them have been seen peddling goods inside the city. In this they are no different than the common avaricious dwarf – though perhaps a bit more appealing to look at. Outside of the settled regions, minotaurs are almost completely devoted to violence and a militant defense of their territory. Venturing into such dangerous territory is exactly the sort of peril that brings an adveturer fame and fortune.

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