Dungeons & Dragons Online Beta Journal #4

Turbine’s official Dungeons & Dragons Online: Stormreach website has been updated with a fourth beta journal, this time releasing a series of quotes from players that participated in the recent Stress Test Event. One quote to follow:

(All I can say is



Breaking Barrels!

I know these are simple and usually found in hack and slash games, but almost all MMORPGs nix at least one of those. It is so little to ask to have those things and I’m glad they’re all in. Plus the fact that you can improve your skill in swimming/jumping, great idea. That makes rogues (if they so choose) literally all agile little nimble things bouncing around all over, which is how it should be. The switches/levers/etc. are awesome too. These things alone set DDO apart from all MMORPGs really. Always wanted to play a Gothic/Zelda-esque type MMORPG and finally it looks like I may have one. The interaction is ‘key’. Can’t forget the pulling yourself up ledges either. That is definitely a first.)

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