Dungeons & Dragons Heroes Review

Eurogamer has tossed up a review of Dungeons & Dragons Heroes, giving the Xbox RPG an overall score of 6/10. An excerpt from their conclusion:

Basically, Dungeons & Dragons Heroes is Dark Alliance’s little brother. Heroes looks like its older sibling, acts like him, and obviously wants to be him. Yet despite copying his brother admirably in many ways, Heroes never really matches up to him. Which is only partially acceptable, because he’s had two years to catch up.

If you’re looking for a stopgap hackandslash between now and Dark Alliance 2 or maybe Champions of Norrath, then this is certainly worth a go. A rental, preferably. It won’t frustrate you too much, but likewise it won’t inspire you either. It’s a straight up hackandslash that anyone with friends to play it with will probably enjoy, falling somewhere between Gauntlet’s button-mashing traditions and Dark Alliance’s intelligence and fun.

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