Dungeons & Dragons Heroes Review

LoadedInc has posted a review of Dungeons & Dragons Heroes, giving it an overall score of 8.5/10. Check it out:

I really enjoyed going through the game the first time though. Cooperative play is one of the best features ever conceived for the realm of gaming and I really enjoyed utilizing it in D&D: Heroes. But, after completing the game once, I’m not too interested in finishing it a second time. There are certainly reasons to (i.e. blowing through it with a saved character, using a different character class altogether, trying a harder difficulty level, finding all the soul shards), but in the end, the environments and gameplay are just too repetitive for me to want to do again. I think this game would make an excellent rental for a group of 2-4 people, but only gamers who love this type of game should make the purchase if they’re just going to play solo because as the statement on the disc says, this is “best played together.”

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