Dungeons & Dragons E-Tools Review

Warcry has posted a review of Code Monkey Publishing’s Dungeons & Dragons E-Tools, which provides DMs and players with a computerized way of creating characters and monsters. Check it out:

You get exactly what you need, nothing more and nothing less. This is the complete deal. Virtually any basic third edition chart you could need or use for monster, character, encounter, NPC or treasure creation is here and ready to be accessed at the click of a button. Want to spend the time to create a unique monster for your campaign, you can do it. Want a random treasure or wilderness encounter table? You can create that too with a few simple clicks of the mouse. No more looking for tables in the Dungeon Master’s Guide. No more wondering exactly how to create a lizard man paladin from some poorly worded text in the monster manual. You can just start up the program and have all the hassle out of the way. It took me about 15 minutes to create my lizard man paladin using E-Tools; it took me about 5 hours and 3 weeks of checking with online friends to make sure I got it right when I did it by hand. You’ll save time and sanity, not to mention a few brain cells. It even comes with a graphic image of the third edition DM’s screen.

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