Dungeons & Dragons Online: Menace of the Underdark Screenshots

We have nineteen new Turbine-snapped screenshots from Dungeons & Dragons Online: Menace of the Underdark to share with you this evening, and this time they depict the new “The Deal and the Demon” and “The Unquiet Graves” adventures. Here’s the included summary of each, in case you’re unfamiliar with the add-on:

Yugoloth Dungeon ((The Deal and the Demon))

The Yugoloth are notorious mercenaries, willing to work for the highest bidder. They want your help getting rid of a Demon Lord inside the Demonweb but can these jackal-headed creatures be trusted as allies? The dungeon introduces the player to the glabrezu, a powerful new type of demon.

Graveyard Dungeon ((The Unquiet Graves))

Drow necromancers have taken over a once-peaceful graveyard in the King’s Forest. Can you put a stop to their horrific practices? This dungeon introduces the player to the new necromancer game mechanics. You must kill the necromancers first otherwise they will continue to raise the dead. Of course, if you kill one necromancer, another necromancer can bring him back from the dead as well…

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