Dungeons & Dragons: Daggerdale Reviews

In case you’re wondering whether you should purchase the title or not after it was released on Steam and Impulse for the PC, we have rounded up some more reviews for Atari and Bedlam Games’ Dungeons & Dragons: Daggerdale.

PC Gamer, 35/100.

It’s got glitches. Glitches everywhere. Enemies regularly get stuck in the ground, armor graphics fail to load, and NPCs have a habit of disappearing without ever having the decency of offering to take me out of this hell with them.

Which all brings us back to Daggerdale’s cowardly main character. He runs in terror from a fight with a giant rock monster, and that’s exactly what you should do if confronted by this game.

Next Gen News, scoreless.

Dungeons & Dragons: Daggerdale is a game with many problems. If you are a forgiving player though, you should still be able to have some fun with it. For a downloadable title it has a lot of content and there are some genuinely good ideas going on. The core combat mechanics are fun and the art direction is good, it’s the actual execution and implementation that comes up short. Combat, enemies, environments and quests become repetitive a few hours into the game as Daggerdale struggles to mimic a lot of what constitutes an action-adventure RPG videogame today. Now I’m not a big D&D fan and don’t have much knowledge of the D&D world and lore which might have detracted a bit from my experience with this game. As mentioned above, if you can look past some of the game’s biggest problems, Daggerdale can be a fun game. Especially if you’re playing with a friend. For most of us however Daggerdale simply doesn’t live up to industry standards and is ultimately a mediocre hack-and-slash dungeoncrawler passing itself off as an RPG.

Game Forward, 2/5.

With action RPG titles like Torchlight, Dungeon Siege III and even Deathspank available on the Xbox 360, it’s hard to make a case for Dungeons and Dragons: Daggerdale for anyone but the most ardent and patient fans of the franchise. The short, yet tedious campaign, substandard presentation and performance and lack of customization options made it hard for me to find any real pleasure in playing this game.

Gamers Daily News, 5.5/10.

They say that they are working on making the game better, but I have not seen any title updates or any mention of one for the Xbox 360 version. Maybe they’re just focusing on the PC version which seemed to have some bugs as well according to what I’ve read on the Facebook page. If you want a bland, hack and slash that required little thought, little strategy where you can mindlessly attack anything in your path for the part, here’s your game. For those who like choice, customization, role-playing, voice acting and anything remotely like an interesting story…wait for Neverwinter or maybe look into Dungeon Siege III.

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