Dungeon Siege Review @ Ferrago

The latest review of Dungeon Siege has been posted online over at Ferrago, where they’ve given the game an unsurprising 91%. Here’s a little something to get you started:

    I often got the feeling I was playing through a real world not just a randomly generated map of graphic tile sets and knew that a lot of time had been spent by loving artists to make Dungeon Siege the most visually splendid RPG to date. Was it the appeal of the set-pieces? From battling a massive, majestic dragon to taking on a mechanical monster in the Goblin’s realm there are many staged fights and events which break up any sense of repetition or mundaneness that might have set in. Or was it because the combination of all of the above amounts to a very playable and enjoyable game? Aye, that’s why.
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