Dungeon Lords v1.4 Patch Coming Next Week

While there hasn’t been any confirmation for the English release, Germany’s official Dungeon Lords website has been updated with an announcement that the v1.4 patch will be released next week. News of the announcement has already hit DreamCatcher’s official forums, where an English translation of the patch notes can be found:


Players using ninjutsu can change with “Q” between fists and ranged weapons

You only can leave the shadow ruins AFTER getting the staff of holyness

If accessing the character-menus or other sub-menus, no more monsters spawn

In camp-modus, every hour will be checked if monsters spawn

The speed for removing traps on boxes is now different. Now theres not only the trap skill important, but also the level of the trap.

You can change with “F” between magic and melee mode

It´s not possible anymore to assign XP after death

After reviving, theres a message that tells you, which attribute has been decreased

In the options, you can activate a target marker (known from FPS). It shows you the actual sighted target

There are added many new spells, with the main focus on multiplayer

All heraldic signs are now included and work

All skills are now included and work, like they were announced. Players with the skill “critical hit” are now informed by message, if they made a critcal strike.

If a player is falling down from an island in the shadow region, he dies and will be revived at the entrance

Now you can create your charakter individually with different hair styles and skin colours. Also you can choose

between left- and right-handed characters

Special Weapons must be powered up at altars

Now the thief character has “identify” in his skill list

New sound effects for all races in the case of wounding or death (over 30 new SFX)

New sound effects for nearly all non-human monsters (over 200 new SFX)


The game now checks language and game version before you can join a Multiplayer-Game.

At loading a terrain zone, all players are fixed at theyre location, until all other gamers are arrived in the zone

If a player leaves the game, all important items will transfered to the game leader automatically

Keep in mind that this list of fixes is not finalized and we may see more features included in the patch. Stay tuned!

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