Dungeon Lords Review

GameSpot has written up a review of Dungeon Lords, giving the action RPG an overall score of 6.8/10. It sounds like they would have given the game a much higher score if not for the many bugs and unfinished features, so keep your eyes open for the game’s upcoming v1.2 patch if you’re a bit leary. Their conclusion:

Dungeon Lords includes a multiplayer feature, letting two or more adventurers play through simultaneously. We experienced some pretty bad lag with more than two players running around, but the cooperative play could help give the game some extra-added depth and longevity. It also possibly invites a greater variety of playing styles than can be justified when playing through solo, where you’re forced to contend with your enemies alone (in most cases). Even so, multiplayer doesn’t resolve any of Dungeon Lords’ gameplay issues, so you’d need to find another fairly tolerant RPG fan to appreciate the game’s finer points along with you. With some more follow-through, Dungeon Lords could have been a significantly better game, making it a lot easier to recommend to fans of the genre. As it is, the game can still be worth getting into, if you aren’t particularly bothered by the parts of it that aren’t there.

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