Dungeon Hunter: Alliance Reviews

Reviews for the PSVita dungeon crawler Dungeon Hunter: Alliance have been hard to find to say the least, with only two more available since last time we checked. Both reviews of the title cite glitches and an excessive price point for what essentially is a straight port of a PSN title as negatives, and offer less-than-favorable opinions for those who are interested in the game.

IGN, 5.5/10.

Dungeon Hunter: Alliance isn’t as polished as Diablo and lacks the charm of Torchlight. Battling through its varied levels and sorting through mountains of loot is fun, when glitches don’t get in the way. Unfortunately, when it costs $28 more to hack and slash through the adventure on Vita than on Playstation 3, one must question the value of the package. The added Vita elements and the glitches just don’t go far enough.

Just Push Start, 2.5/5.

In the end, Dungeon Hunter: Alliance is a hard title to recommend for the Vita as there’s a far cheaper version on the PlayStation Network with basically the same features. However, if you’re into this genre, it might make up for the hefty price difference. Otherwise, you will be much better off getting the PS3 version over the Vita. Just don’t forget that gameplay and dungeon designs will get repetitive over time.

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