Drox Operative Sequel In Development

Way back in 2012, Soldak Entertainment released Drox Operative, a dynamic space action RPG with some 4X elements. And according to this developer blog post, somewhere down the road we will probably get a sequel to that game. Right now it’s unclear what the supposed Drox Operative 2 will look like, but we’re promised a more engaging combat system, improved visuals, and deeper systems. Check it out:

For those of you that follow us on social media or our forums this isn’t a surprise, but I’ve started working on the design of what will probably end up being Drox Operative 2. I say probably because to me design is kind of an exploration and you aren’t completely sure where you will end up. I’m pretty sure it will end up being Drox Operative 2, but Din’s Legacy was originally going to be a mutating, permadeath, generational character type of game. The mutations is the only part that stuck (the rest just didn’t work well enough with the mutation system).

Currently, and this all could easily change, I have 3 focuses to make this game better than the first Drox Operative.

1) Combat/action: I’m looking to make the moment to moment side of things a bit more fun. This will probably mean things like faster acceleration, faster turning, and maybe even strafing to make movement and dodging a bit more fun and important. Weapons might be more powerful, but rely less on auto-aiming. I’ll probably also try to see how real momentum makes things feel.

2) Graphics: I’ll at least be getting it up to Din’s Legacy tech wise: VBOs, normal mapping, better shadows, and better lighting. Just doing this would make the game look a good bit better than the first game. It might even go faster and Drox was our most CPU friendly game.

3) More detailed systems to add more depth to the exploration, gameplay, and interactions between everything. By this I mean things like a planet could be rich in minerals. After discovering this planet, selling this information to a race might be very profitable, it could greatly help that race build fleets of ships once colonized, and it could also be a weak point for sneaky Operatives to disrupt or even destroy.

Again these are things that I’m thinking about now, but could easily change. Also these are just a small glimpse of the ideas I’m already thinking about.

Finally I would like to stress this part, comments and suggestions are always welcome!

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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