Drox Operative Race Profiles, Continued

The folks at Soldak Entertainment have update the races profiles for their upcoming indie action-RPG Drox Operative with two new entries, the Hive and the Utopian, both characterized by a “moderate” threat level. Here’s the latter’s profile:


Danger Level: Moderate

From the wheel to the cog to the self-aware artificial intelligence, the string of invention led to a race of robots free from biological oppression. Logic is their god, but a shared memory stream has led to suspicious and unforgiving natures. For industrious utopians, new life is as simple as hardware replacement. Death is only relatable through annihilation. Anything less is negligible. The utopian are relentless and brutal killers. As fast producers, they optimize and use newly acquired resources while implementing redundant defenses. Expansion is less important than protecting the information network and newly gained materials (which could be anything- rock, wood. or even organic matter of a more sophisticated structure).

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