Drox Operative Blog Update: Subraces

In the latest blog entry for Drox Operative, Steven Peeler from Soldak Entertainment talks about the game’s subraces, which he describes as “a powerful, but very small group within one of the main races”. Here’s a snip:

Subraces are usually a powerful, but very small group within one of the main races in Drox Operative. These subraces won’t exist at all at the beginning of a new game, but can come about in various ways. Some just happen randomly due to evolution, some are created by their parent race in response to dangers, and some are just accidents. Because they are individually more powerful than an ordinary person of the race in question, they are often used for their talents and abused because they are different, but they are also generally feared. So it’s not a huge surprise that when given a chance they rebel and are willing to die for their freedom.

Their rebellions can be very nasty affairs for both sides. The government is likely to quell the rebellion with deadly force and the subrace rebels will likely use their talents to gain their freedom. This of course is where the player comes in. You actually have a choice, which side do you help out? Do you help the oppressive government that you already have a relationship with or do you help out the dangerous rebels?

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