Drakensang: The Dark Eye Reviews

Another flood of German-language reviews for Drakensang: The Dark Eye have been summed up over at RPGWatch.

  • TV Movie 3/3 (print)
  • Der Westen part 2; see Flood 1 
  • Krawall 81% The most balanced test so far. The article calls Drakensang a blind buy for fans of classic RPGs. Players who prefer modern RPGs should try the demo.
  • gamaXX 85% = espace.ch no rating (?)
  • Cynamite.de 8/10 (print excerpt -> Games Aktuell)
  • Gamefox complete walkthrough
  • PC Games walkthrough part 1
  • PC Games Hardware FSAA for nVidia cards (ATI see Flood 1)
  • GameRadio (live) = GameFeature (archive) review in today’s show
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