Drakensang Online Developer Diary, Screenshots

Drakensang fansite DSA-Drakensang.de has an exclusive developer diary penned by Bernd Beyreuther, who has managed the franchise for all of its titles, as well as a few exclusive screenshots. The developer diary is in German, so allow me to translate a bit.

With all these changes many ask: is Drakensang Online still Drakensang? Shouldn’t your game have simply been given another name? When we recently had a group of journalists visiting, this questions was usually the first asked and has been answered by the presentation of the game in its current production state: Yes. Of course. This looks just like Drakensang, it bears the same graphical signature we’re familiar with. It is a world that radiates the atmosphere of magic and humor, which Drakensang represented and still represents.

The reason is obvious: it is the same team, which has been formed over the last five yours and developed the previous Drakensang titles. The same technology, that is running in many thousand titles with stability, high performance and free of bugs, will in this newest version in Drakensang Online conjure up a fantastic world on your screen. And like the old titles, the love and enthusiasm with which we work on Drakensang Online, should be visible for everyone.

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