Dragonshard Reviews

Atari and Liquid Entertainment’s Dragonshard is the subject of two more reviews, and they’re both positive. The first is at eToyChest with an overall score of 88/100:

In all, Dragonshard is a unique, fun title, and is precisely what one would expect from an RTS derived from the Dungeons & Dragons franchise. The story is interesting and well-told, and the dual-map system breathes new life into a genre that was beginning to leave a sour taste on the palates of many gamers. Still, for all it does different, the game may fail to win over as many gamers as the developers and Atari may like. Dragonshard requires players to adopt a new strategy and philosophy toward army building, combat, and questing. Still, for those with an open mind, this is an engaging title that RPG and RTS fans alike will enjoy.

And the second is at The Gamers’ Temple with an overall score of 88%:

Dragonshard also includes a multiplayer component and it also makes use of the over and under world dual maps. This makes for a very interesting multiplayer dynamic as you not only must battle it out with armies above ground, you also need to send parties underground to race for the best treasure and try to rake in experience as quickly as you can. Multiplayer games are frantic affairs and never seem to play out the same way twice. Since there are multiple paths to victory, not only must you focus on obtaining your goals, but you must prevent your opponent from reaching his/hers. The multiplayer game really is something different from other RTS games you’ve played online, and if you’re an RTS multiplayer fan it is well worth your time to give Dragonshard a try.

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