Dragonshard Reviews

A couple of new reviews for Atari and Liquid Entertainment’s Dragonshard have surfaced, although the article over at Warcry apparently only focuses on the installer…

The first level of the Installer required the entry of a cryptic code to unlock a massive portal into the Dragonshard dimension. The lock was tricky, the code was hard to decipher, but with some tricks I’ve picked up in Bard’s Tale from back in the day I managed to unlock each portion of the lock system and open the portal.

The review at Gamebiz, however, is of standard faire and gives the game an overall score of 8.5/10:

The story is written by Keith Baker who is the creator of the Eberron setting. Dragonshard has done a good job of reacting Eberron. Both armies have difference personalities which you can clearly see in how they play the game. While RTS games are not everyones cup of tea Dragonshard is an enjoyable game despite the few bugs you will experience. The game hasn’t been out for a week and there’s already a patch out. Hopefully after a few patches the game can be better. Dragonshard has a core of a solid graphics engine, adequate sound and introduces some innovative gameplay elements such as the dual realms. This is recommended to fans of RTS or RPG genres.

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