Dragonshard Preview

Yahoo Games Domain has put together a preview of Dragonshard, based upon what is known about the Dungeons & Dragons RTS/RPG hybrid thus far. A little something to get you started:

It also wouldn’t be much of a D&D game if the whole affair was solely military maneuvers. Dragonshard will break down to about half real-time strategy and half role-playing game elements (story-based quests, boss-monsters, etc.).

Dragonshard environments are detailed, with ambient weather effects bolstered with a multilayer texturing scheme. In a demo mission we saw, an adventure party was dispatched to hunt down Bugbears that had attacked a village in a snowy pass. Once the creatures had been chased off, they took cover in a series of underground caverns, making for a good segue into another of the game’s key features — multi-level combat and exploration, both above and below ground.

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