Dragonshard Multiplayer Preview

The folks at IGN PC had the opportunity to check out the multiplayer aspect of Dragonshard and have dished up a two-page preview based on what they saw. Here’s a little something to start you off:

The Warforged are beefy but are better used for laying siege to cities rather than fighting units. The Paladins are powerful fighters who can recruit several knights once they level up enough, but they’re helpless against flying units. The rogue isn’t very strong, but you’ll need him to unlock chests, since that’s the only way to gather lots of gold in a short amount of time. Gold also drops from some large underground enemies, but it’s not reliable.

Speaking of drops, gold isn’t the only thing they’ll cough up. You might get a one-use potion that will heal wounds or increase your agility, and you can also pick up enchanted armor to increase your defense once, for a limited amount of time. There’s definitely a large incentive to digging around underground, and the amount of gold you’ll find there will typically turn the tide of war–granted that you can spare enough units while defending and attacking on the surface.

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