Dragonshard Designer Diary #1

GameSpot is offering up the first installment to a new designer diary series for Liquid Entertainment’s upcoming D&D RTS, Dragonshard. In it, president/creative director Ed Del Castillo provides some good info about the surface and underground levels in the game. A snip:

At first, we created standard dungeons with stone corridors and wooden doors; standard D&D stuff. Very quickly, this felt too confining and reminded us of our old Greyhawk and Forgotten Realms [tabletop] campaigns too much. We decided that a game set in Eberron needed something special, so we came up with a story that buried a whole city under the surface. This underground city gave us room and flexibility as well as a great theme for the underground space. The city allowed us to have epic spaces and still have traps, monsters, and treasures. So now we had the environment, but that wasn’t enough.

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