Dragonshard Community Update #18

In the eighteenth community update for Dragonshard, Atari’s Shane DeFreest provides us with two new screenshots, a reminder about the upcoming developer chat, and a couple links to the single player demo. Check it out:

Screenshot Screenshot

As many of you know the clock is ticking towards the Dragonshard launch. With little more than a moth left before the game hits the shelves we’re going to try and get as much information out to you as possible. For those of you who have not had a chance to play the single player demo you can get it here or our friends at WorthPlaying have mirrored it on their site.

In other news Dragonshard will be shown at this years Gen Con Indy. So make sure to stop by the Atari booth and check it out. Lastly, don’t forget that Dragonshard.Net in association with The Breland Ledger and Eberron Journal will be hosting a developer chat with our friends at Liquid Entertainment Wednesday, August 24th at 7pm PST (10pm EST).

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